Our very own Senior Product Manager will be presenting at the European congress for clinical microbiology and infectious diseases (ECCMID) in Lisbon, Portugal next week. In her capacity of Affiliated Researcher at AIMES, Karolinska Institutet, Dr. Susanne Löffler will present the topic "Biosensors for the diagnosis of biofilm infection" on Tuesday April 26th 9.30am. She will be replacing Professor Agneta Richter Dahlfors on the programme since Agneta is unfortunately unable to travel due to a broken arm. Be sure to check our social media for updates on her presentation!

Our Research Engineers Smilla Huzell and John Bergqvist will represent Ebba Biotech at the Biofilms10 conference in Leipzig, Germany, May 9-12th. Be sure to visit the Ebba Biotech stall and have a chat with our wonderful Research Engineers who will be more than happy to tell you all about the wonderful and pioneering uses of the EbbaBiolight products.