After three years as CEO at Ebba Biotech, Eva Halén is now stepping down and moving onto new adventures. Her incredible and diligent work over the past few years have built the foundations of the Ebba Biotech structure and the basis for its success. The entire team will miss her but look forward to follwing her journey at KTH Innvovations, helping new (younger 😉) start ups enter the business world.

Follwing her departure, Ebba Biotech's new leadership comes in the form of a co-management team with our Product Manager Dr. Susanne Löffler stepping up as Chief Technical Officer (CTO) and Smilla Huzell stepping up as the Chief Operations Officer (COO) at the Solna office. As of December 1st, these familiar faces with new responsibilities look forward to taking Ebba Biotech further.