Uncovering bacteria & funghi interactions

Uncovering bacteria & funghi interactions
Microbial populations communicate to achieve tasks that a single organism can not. Therefore, understanding the intricate interactions between different microorganisms is an essential missing piece of scientific knowledge. Elucidating the details of the interaction between Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans is of particular interest for biochemical science and clinical practice...
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Tracking of biofilm formation in Burkholderia

Tracking of biofilm formation in Burkholderia
Bacteria and fungi produce biofilms whenever they adhere to a surface to protect themselves from environmental stressors, including antibiotics. Biofilm-related infections are therefore often hard to treat and do not respond well to antibiotic treatment. As an opportunistic pathogen of the respiratory tract Burkholderia cenocepacia is often responsible for hospital-acquired...
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Tracking fungal biofilm formation

Tracking fungal biofilm formation
Candida albicans is a commensal fungus that lives among the gut flora of 40 to 60% of healthy individuals, where it presents as ovoid “yeast” cells. Changes in its environment can trigger a switch towards the formation of multicellular hyphae which is thought to be a crucial step for the...
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Watching bacterial cities grow

Watching bacterial cities grow
When thinking about bacteria, we often imagine bacterial cells floating in liquid medium. But, in reality, this planktonic lifestyle is only a very small episode in the bacterial life cycle. To be able to survive environmental stress like nutrient shortages and attacks launched by cleaning brushes, antibiotics or disinfectants, they...
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Are antimicrobial peptides ending the Antibiotic Crisis?

Are antimicrobial peptides ending the Antibiotic Crisis?
Antibiotic resistance is currently a major threat worldwide, rising to dangerous levels in which first-line antibiotics will no longer be effective. In this study researchers at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany described the use of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) as an alternative approach against bacterial resistance. Using sub-lethal doses of AMPs, they...
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EbbaBiolight-like molecule for detection and quantification of bacteria

EbbaBiolight-like molecule for detection and quantification of bacteria
Why rapid testing for Staphylococci is important Fast and reliable testing for pathogenic bacteria like Stapylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is highly desirable in the clinic as it can cause deep-seated infections such as osteomyelitis and endocarditis and is the major cause for hospital acquired infections of surgical wounds or indwelling...
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EbbaBiolight-like molecule detects biomarker for recurrent infection

EbbaBiolight-like molecule detects biomarker for recurrent infection
Bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) are known to hide during an infection by encasing themselves in extracellular matrix containing amyloid proteins and cellulose. When they grow like this, clusters of bacteria are called biofilm and they are hard to detect and partly resistant to antibiotics. The same bacteria...
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EbbaBiolight-like molecules reveals Salmonella biofilm secrets

EbbaBiolight-like molecules reveals Salmonella biofilm secrets
A 2016 study by the Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center at Karolinska Institutet used an EbbaBiolight-like Molecule to detect growth of Salmonella biofilm. This unique fluorescent tracer molecule is non-bactericidal and is therefore capable to dynamically follow the formation of curli fibres and cellulose in Salmonella enterica biofilm in real time....
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